The list page is the backbone of the Relativity platform. It is the base from which everything else is built, yet outdated functionality and poor organization keep it stuck as a merely an entry point. In 2020, we set out to transform the list from a static display of information to a high performing workflow-driver.
Search is one of the most critical yet least intuitive aspects of Relativity. It is a gatekeeper—an obstacle to end users doing their job effectively. In 2020 we set out to transform Search into a product that enhances users' expertise and extends their abilities, enabling them to be amazing at their jobs.
Getting to the most important documents doesn’t have to take a lot of effort. Active learning handles the brunt of the work, with minimal setup and human input. There’s no need for training sets, no manually batching documents. You can take a 100,000-document project from setup to review in under 10 minutes.